Worship (Holy Masses) in Slovakia

New server to search worship - DoKostola.sk already works!

Server address is: www.dokostola.sk.

Server provides regularly updated information about the usual feast and worship in Slovakia, as bohosluzby.sk. However, information can also search using the interactive map of the church and state zoning.

Portal bohosluzby.sk is no longer functional and therefore please seek out information only on DoKostola.sk server!

What's new in DoKostola.sk?

On the site www.dokostola.sk you will find a complete list of dioceses and parishes, which are interdependent and with clear church division. Server is much more comprehensive in providing information: you will find there parish contacts, accompanying texts and pictures of the churches, times of confessions etc.
In addition, you will be able to manage themselves information about your church and parish.